Dear SAE 550 Class Members-- Here are some HINTS regarding completion of Homework #2 (for Space Station Freedom). You'll need TWO examples of FOL #1: "Politics, not Technology, Controls What Technology is Allowed to Achieve". Why were some of the cost-saving technical ideas (e.g. advanced space suits, life support systems, etc.) abandoned? Were there any special activities required to obtain promised funding? Why did we abandon the made-in-USA design, and use Russian hardware to start the new station? And now that the Russians are leaving, how will that control International Space Station technology in the future? You'll need TWO examples of FOL #2: "Cost Rules". What happened with estimated costs, and why did they change? Look at the corollaries to FOL #2: was there a case where someone had to overstate the benefits and understate the costs, just to get the program started? You'll need TWO examples of FOL #3: "A Strong, Coherent Constituency Is Essential". Why break SSF into Work Packages? And how were Contractors involved? Why was the Death Spiral so damaging? You'll need TWO examples of FOL #4: "Technical Problems Become Political Problems". Look at the impact of various technical reports. And as with any major development program, there were technical issues that had enormous political repercussions. You'll need TWO examples of FOL #5: "The Best Technical Solution is not Necessarily the Best Political Solution". Take a look at the Clinton redesign options. Which one was chosen by the NASA as the best technical solution, and why? Also indicate which one was "best" for the political system, and why. Another good example can be found in the technical issues of integrating Russian and American space hardware towards the end of the case study. You'll need ONE example of any ONE of the Additional FOLs. There are several good examples of "Timing is Everything", such as technical review reports showing up at inopportune times. Dr. Elliot Axelband Ken Cureton (TA)