RESEARCH PAPER CHECKLIST: Here's a checklist that you should use in the writing of your Research Paper for the USC SAE 550 Class. This is what I use in grading papers. This isn't meant to indicate a strict FORMAT or an OUTLINE-- it's just a checklist. Please refer to the class website and lecture notes for detailed instructions on formatting your paper. ( ) Title Page? ( ) Abstract (with a brief biography)? ( ) Introduction or Background or History? ( ) A general description of the system? ( ) FOL #1 Analysis, at least 2 examples? ( ) FOL #2 Analysis, at least 2 examples? ( ) FOL #3 Analysis, at least 2 examples? ( ) FOL #4 Analysis, at least 2 examples? ( ) FOL #5 Analysis, at least 2 examples? ( ) Additional FOL Analysis, at least 1 example? ( ) Proposed/"New" FOL (extra credit)? ( ) A summary or conclusion? ( ) References or bibliography or footnotes? The term “FOL Analysis, at least 2 examples” means that you have provided two different examples of how that particular Fact-Of-Life (FOL) impacted the system’s architecture or design. I’m expecting a NARRATIVE format of AT LEAST ONE paragraph for each example. Please DO NOT use the abbreviated/bulletized format used in the Homework. What if you can’t find information about one or more of the FOL’s? DO NOT SKIP THAT ANALYSIS, and assume that it is not applicable! Such omission will significantly impact your grade. You may need to analyze a similar type of system, and then predict (by analogy) what would likely happen with your system under those circumstances. My intent in providing you with this list is to HELP you in accomplishing a comprehensive analysis of your chosen topic, and to provide some insight into the kind of technical "meat" that I'm looking for in considering your paper's grade. N.B. very few papers are worthy of an “A” grade in this class unless they exceed most of the requirements given in the Research Paper Checklist (i.e. have more that the minimum required number of examples of the political facts of life, plus at least one new proposed political fact of life). The checklist descriptions represent the minimum requirements for a passing grade (“B”) in the class. And to deserve an “A+” grade, a paper would have to be of sufficient quality and depth of analysis that it could be used as a Case Study for this class. One of the metrics used to grade papers is the volume of analysis, which should be at least 10 pages of analysis in terms of 12 point text in Times New Roman font, single spaced, with 1" top and bottom margins and 1-1/4" left and right margins (and figures deleted unless they specifically contribute to the analysis). HINTS! Common mistakes that students make include: * No title page. Believe it or not, this happens! In many of the USC Distance Education Network (DEN) classes (but not this one), students are required to submit their papers via e-mail or a fax to the DEN, rather than online via DEN Assignments. In such cases students may be used to filling out a DEN submittal form. The DEN submittal form is not a title page! * No abstract, or missing a biography in the abstract. Yes, you have to both provide an abstract for approval AND place that abstract on the second page of your paper. If you have adjusted your abstract after obtaining approval of your chosen topic, then the ADJUSTED abstract should be used in the paper. * No clear linkage of analysis to a specific FOL. Your paper should clearly indicate which FOL (or FOLs) are applicable to the analysis presented. There are two major ways of ensuring clear linkage: the first is to have a separate section header for each FOL and then provide the appropriate analysis, and the second is to indicate the appropriate FOL in parentheses at the conclusion of each analysis, e.g. (FOL #2: COST RULES). * Missing one or more examples for a FOL. Remember that for the five primary FOLs there must be at least two different examples (more is better), and for any one of the additional FOLs there must be at lease one example (more examples are better). Examples of more than one of the additional FOLs are better still. * Missing one (or more) of the other items on the checklist. * Figures(s) without a detailed explanation of content. You should not succumb to the temptation of filling in blank space or attempting to increase the length of your paper with meaningless figures (including diagrams, graphics, artwork, and tables). All figures should have a reference in your text (a figure number, a table number, etc.). And your text should include at least one paragraph that explains the figure in terms of the analysis that you’re providing. In short, everything in your paper should be relevant. * Limited depth of analysis (paper too short, or less than 10 pages of detailed analysis in terms of the Political “Facts Of Life”). For example, a 50 page paper filled with detailed technical descriptions and fancy color figures/pictures of the system (but only 5 pages of political analysis via the FOLs) will not receive a good grade. * Too terse of analysis. Remember that your paper should use full sentences-- the abbreviated “bulletized” format used in the homework is not appropriate for use in your paper. Please use full sentences with clear explanations. You should not assume that your audience is familiar with either your chosen topic nor the class concepts. You may want to (briefly) describe the Political “Facts Of Life” in your in introduction, but you are not required to do so. * No (or improper) references, footnotes, or bibliography. Surely you must have used something as a reference in the development of your paper, even if you are a “world expert” on your chosen topic! And please remember to properly cite the SAE 550 class lectures if you use material from those lectures in your paper. Remember also that too many references to uncontrolled Internet sites may detract from your paper’s grade. * Improper citations for quoted text or copied artwork. Yes, you can “borrow” artwork or a figure or table from another source, but you must properly cite that source! And yes, you can include direct verbiage from another source, but you must properly designate those words in quotations and properly cite that source! (This includes the case where you are the author of the “other source”!) Failure to properly reference copied text will be treated as a violation of academic integrity! * Excessive amount of quoted text. * Spelling errorz. Please remember to do a “Spell Check” before submitting your paper. If a quoted source includes a spelling error, simple place the designation (sic) after that word to show that you weren’t the one that made the error. Also remember that most spell-checkers are not a substitute for good editing (for example, deciding whether “threw” or “through” is the correct word in a given context). Ken Cureton